Our pedagogy

Biography of Dr Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori

Our school and pedagogy takes its name from one of the first female doctors of Italy, Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952).
In the early 1900's, Maria Montessori, began to develop her pedagogical approach, which is based upon the scientific studies of philosophy and education.
Since then, Montessori schools have spread little by little to every continent. Today there are over 22,000 Montessori schools around the world.

Biography of Dr Maria Montessori



The Montessori pedagogy

Maria Montessori was a visionary and her pedagogy rests perfectly adapted to our modern era. After more than a century of success with children from all around the world, this pedagogy is still today, more than ever, a model for its approach and principles :

  • to promote the cultivation of the faculties of creativity and adaptation
  • to cultivate a love of learning
  • to favourise the natural development of the florishing child

Our primary mission is to accompany the child in his inner development therefore becoming a confident and responsible adult.



Our Pedagogical Project

Our school proposes the Montessori Method set in the bilingual context of French and English. Our approach centres on the child in the following ways : 

  • respect for the stages of development
  • promotion of independence and responsibility
  • observation and personal evaluation of each child

Our pedagogical objectives are :

  • to allow the child to blossom and develop according to their personal rhythm
  • to respond to the learning needs of the child
  • to facilitate the child to be responsible for himself, organised in his projects and work
  • to develop the child’s confidence in himself into adulthood




Each child arrives in our school with their own linguistic background.  Our pedagogical programme is delivered in accordance with the individual ability of each child.

  • Initiation Classroom: Bilingual ambiance
  • First Cycle: an English speaking classroom and a bilingual classroom
  • Elementary Cycle: Bilingual ambiance





Pedagogical follow-up

Accompanying development

Every child works in unison and cooperation with their peers while focusing on their own development. It is important to respect their background, their personality and their own rhythm.  Through our personalised pedagogical practice we offer consistent attention to the development of each child

  • Sensitive and supportive of the child's needs
  • Individual family meetings



Working with parents

We request our families to respect the fundamental principles of the Montessori pedagogy.

With this in mind we aim to promote communication between parents and staff, so as to ensure the necessary coherence between school and home life.

We propose :

  • An orientation evening each September to ease the beginning of the new academic year
  • Two pedagogical meetings during the year
  • Organised group discussions between an expert and parents on educational matters
  • Participation in the celebration of their child’s birthday ceremony
  • Occasional voluntary participation with school fetes, trips, visits and workshops